Release PV800 SV200

The theme for this release is enhancements to increase flexibility and data access and bug fixes.


  • The language code is CSharp (C#). Any business rule changes should be written in CSharp. If you want to make changes in VisualBasic, do so in a separate business rule. Business rule changes are not supported by OneStream and are therefore not encouraged.

  • Review the information in this section before you install, deploy, or upgrade. OneStream strongly recommends that you upgrade in a Development environment before upgrading in the Production application.

  • If you upgrade using Uninstall Full, custom templates are removed and replaced with default templates. To save custom templates for future use, save the Excel files outside of OneStream Financial Close and upload them after you upgrade. If you upgrade using Uninstall UI, custom templates are retained.

  • You must uninstall the UI for Account Reconciliations and Transaction Matching before installing this release.

  • If Account Reconciliations or Transaction Matching are installed, you must be on these releases to be able to install OneStream Financial Close:

    • Account Reconciliations PV440 SV200 or later

    • Transaction Matching PV530 SV201




OneStream 8.0.0 or later

Minimum OneStream Platform release required to install this release of OneStream Financial Close.

See the Upgrade Guide.

Microsoft SQL Server

One of these versions of Microsoft SQL Server is required:

  • Standard Edition 2016 SP1 or later

  • Enterprise Edition 2012 or later


If you have reconciliations that have a frequency other than monthly and migrate to OneStream Financial Close Release PV710 SV201 or later, you may need to mark the reconciliations as required in the current period and then run Discover for the current period. (MP1-4614, MP1-4688)

New Features

Account Reconciliations


Transaction Matching



Watch to learn what's new in Financial Close (2:03).

Account Reconciliations

  • In Global Options, administrators can select an option from the Source Account Description Dimension drop-down menu (Label, Text Value, or Attributes 1–20), which is used to populate the S.Account Desc. column in grids and the description in the detailed reconciliation header and reports for individual reconciliations. (MP1-4919, MP1-4818, MP1-4806, MP1-4804, MP1-4802, MP1-4600)

  • When administrators export from Inventory or import into Inventory or Groups, the Source Account Description is included. The Source Account Description cannot be updated when you import into Inventory. (MP1-4805)

  • You can sum Balance Check items by any dimension within the Balance Check Level that is not in the Tracking Level. (MP1-4829)

  • On the Reconciliations page, if you select a detail item that is linked to a child reconciliation and then click the Go To B-Chk button, you will go to the WF Profile associated with the child reconciliation. (MP1-4831)

  • The MultiPeriod and MultiCurrencyMultiPeriod templates include the following information:

    • An Amortization Amount column that displays the total amortization amount

    • The Total Amortization amount

    • The Unamortized Balance, which is equal to the overall account balance subtracted by the total amortization amount

    • A Child Reconciliations tab that displays the account balances by child reconciliation

    The MultiCurrencyMultiPeriod template also includes the following columns: Amortization Account Amount, Amortization Local Amount, and Amortization Reporting Amount. (MP1-4749)

  • The Basic and MultiCurrency templates include a Child Reconciliations tab that displays related balances for each child reconciliation in an account group. Explained and Unexplained amounts are updated based on detail item amounts entered on the Reconciliation tab. (MP1-4724)

  • When you run Discover, if time-based attributes do not exist in the current period, they are copied from the previous or next period. (MP1-4745)

Transaction Matching

  • Administrators can process data management jobs CreateReconItems_TXM and ProcessRules_TXM with the following parameters: MatchSetID, MatchSetName, WFTime, or WFTimeID. Default parameters are MatchSetID and WFTime. (MP1-4769, MP1-3927)

Fixed Issues

  • You can copy and install OneStream Financial Close PV710 SV201 and PV800 SV100 using the MST copy functionality. Contact OneStream Support for access to these files. (MP1-4823)

  • You can download supporting documentation from the application. It will not cause an error indicating that they cannot be opened. (MP1-4816)

Account Reconciliations

  • The Update User and Update Time fields for a reconciliation will update when an action changes the state (for example, Prepared, Approved, Unapproved, and Recalled). The State History will include these updates in the Time Stamp column. (MP1-4760)

  • If you choose Tracking Level as the BalCheck Level for an account group reconciliation and edit the BalCheck WF Profile at the child reconciliation level, it will not cause an error. (MP1-4740)

  • If you run Process on a reconciliation:

    • If it was manually Prepared or Approved and has an AutoRec rule to Auto Prepare, the state (Prepared or Approved) does not change.

    • If it was manually Approved and has an AutoRec rule to Auto Approve, the state (Approved) does not change.

    • If it was manually Prepared and has an AutoRec rule to Auto Approve, the state is updated to Auto Approved. (MP1-4723, MP1-4722)

  • You can open the I-Docs of child items. (MP1-4704)

  • Preparers only receive Balance Changed notifications for the reconciliations they are assigned to. (MP1-4636)

  • AutoRec rules cannot be deleted if they are assigned to a reconciliation. (MP1-4530)

Transaction Matching

  • In Settings > Match Sets, you can use the Copy icon to copy match sets. (MP1-4859)

  • If you import a source that contains an invalid date, no data is loaded into the Transactions table, and you will receive an error. (MP1-4718)

  • Transaction Matching Detail Items can be pulled into Account Reconciliations using the Unmatched (As of Period) filter for Transaction Status. (MP1-4709)

  • If you run the TXM_DataMgmtProcess job, the task activity displays the correct scenario information. (MP1-4706)

  • If transactions with the same SourceID are imported for multiple times, prior transactions are cleared and no duplicate transactions are created. (MP1-4544)

  • If you have any supported culture setting (for example, Greek Culture) and export Transaction Matching data, it will match the data format used in the grid on the Transactions page. (MP1-4663)

  • If you have any supported culture setting (for example, French Culture), values can be saved in the Manage Filters dialog box. (MP1-4392)

Known Issues

Account Reconciliations

  • If upgrading from a previous release of OneStream Financial Close, after installing and launching the Account Reconciliations dashboard for the first time, you will likely receive the following error message: "Must specify valid information for parsing in the string." To resolve this issue, log out and back in to the solution.

  • Performing an Uninstall UI resets the Workspace Dashboard Name (Custom Workflow) in Account Rec Scenario > Workflow Settings to (Unassigned). An administrator must reassign this setting in the Workflow Profile. (MP1-700)

  • After migration, child reconciliations may not match the account group MC Enabled attribute. This can happen if the account group MC_Effective date was set after the child reconciliation's date. You can manually update the attribute if needed. (MP1-3393)

  • Upon initial implementation, make sure to select the correct period that you want to start in. For example, if you Discover in February 2022 and then change your mind and want to have data in January 2022, you cannot go back and Discover in January. You would first need to delete February as a workaround.

  • If you make any changes to currency for an individual reconciliation or account group (for example, changing from single currency to multi-currency or changing the currency type) with existing detail items, the detail items may not be valid. You will need to delete the detail items and manually re-create them. To avoid this issue, make any changes to currency before adding detail items.

  • After Process, if you delete a pulled forward R-Doc that is associated with an AutoRec rule and run Process again, the deleted R-Doc will be pulled forward again and display in the Reconciliation Workspace in the Detail Items grid in Reconciliation Support. (MP1-4697)

Transaction Matching

  • When attempting to install OneStream Financial Close Release PV710 SV101 or later, if you receive an error on Upgrade Step 6 of the Setup Table script that prevents the solution from finishing installation, contact OneStream Support. (MP1-4568)

Contact Support

Contact OneStream Support by registering at:

Support - OneStream Software

Release PV800 SV100

The theme for this release is new features to increase flexibility in Account Reconciliations and Transaction Matching.


  • This solution is compatible with OneStream Platform v8.

  • The language code is changed from VB.Net to CSharp (C#). With this change, any business rule changes should be written in CSharp. If you want to make changes in VisualBasic, do so in a separate business rule. Business rule changes are not supported by OneStream and are therefore not encouraged.

  • Review the information in this section before you install, deploy, or upgrade. OneStream strongly recommends that you upgrade in a Development environment before upgrading in the Production application.

  • If you upgrade using Uninstall Full, custom templates are removed and replaced with default templates. If you created custom templates that you want to continue to use, save the Excel files outside of OneStream Financial Close and upload them after you upgrade. If you upgrade using Uninstall UI, custom templates are retained.

  • You must uninstall the UI for Account Reconciliations and Transaction Matching before installing this release.

  • If Account Reconciliations or Transaction Matching are currently installed, you must be on these versions to be able to install OneStream Financial Close:

    • Account Reconciliations PV440 SV200 or later

    • Transaction Matching PV530 SV201




OneStream 8.0.0 or later

Minimum OneStream Platform version required to install this version of OneStream Financial Close.

See the Upgrade Guide.

Microsoft SQL Server

One of these versions of Microsoft SQL Server is required:

  • Standard Edition 2016 SP1 or later

  • Enterprise Edition 2012 or later


If you have reconciliations that have a frequency other than monthly and migrate to OneStream Financial Close version PV710 SV201 or later, you may need to mark the reconciliations as required in the current period and then run discover for the current period. (MP1-4614, MP1-4688)


Account Reconciliations

Watch to learn what's new in Account Reconciliations (1:29).

  • You can copy any comments and pull forward your own comments from one period to the next while you are completing a step in the workflow. (MP1-2678)

  • A comment that was pulled forward cannot be edited. You can delete a comment that was pulled forward, but you cannot delete the original comment until you first delete each instance that was pulled forward. (MP1-4651)

  • You can edit and delete your own comments while you are completing a step in the workflow. (MP1-4526)

  • The Comments section includes a column that displays the booked period, which indicates the period the comment was created. This helps track comments that have been pulled forward and new comments. (MP1-4620)

  • Administrators can select which columns are visible for all users in the Account Reconciliations page and the Scorecard grids and set the order in which they display. (MP1-4516)

  • Administrators can create up to three custom attribute columns to display in the Account Reconciliations page for all users. They can be free-form text boxes or have a drop-down menu of values. (MP1-3369)

  • Administrators can edit the active custom attribute fields in the Edit Reconciliation Attributes and Edit Account Group dialog boxes. (MP1-4524)

  • Custom attribute fields with a drop-down menu of values include a blank value option. (MP1-4654)

  • Custom attribute fields are included in the Reconciliation Inventory Import and Export templates. (MP1-4522)

  • Custom attribute fields are not included as options in the Substitution Variable Selector drop-down menu. (MP1-4680)

  • The Audit Log includes a record of changes to all active attributes, including custom attributes. (MP1-4532)

Transaction Matching

Watch to learn what's new in Transaction Matching (1:41).

  • In Data Sets, administrators can select which fields are editable on the Transactions page directly in the grid for transactions that are not matched and not associated with a detail item in RCM. The following fields cannot be set as editable: SourceID, S.Cons, Cons, S.Scenario, Scenario, S.Time, Time, S.View, View, S.Origin, Origin, WF Profile, WF Time, and Status WF Time. (MP1-4658)

  • Fields for Matched transactions cannot be edited in the grid on the Transactions page. (MP1-4713)

  • A Notes column is included on the Transactions page that can be updated directly in the grid by typing in the field. (MP1-4652)

  • Update User and User Time (UTC) columns display on the Transactions page to track the last update made to any field for a transaction. (MP1-4652)

  • The Notes field is included in the Export file for each grid that includes the Notes column. (MP1-4695)

  • The Reason Code column on the Transactions page can be updated directly in the grid by clicking in the field to display a drop-down menu of options. You can only assign reason codes that are active. (MP1-4653)

  • On the Transactions page, you can select multiple transactions to edit multiple instances of notes, reason codes, or both at the same time for more efficient updates. (MP1-4690)

  • You can only enter valid values in the dimension fields. (MP1-4692)


Account Reconciliations

  • The Reconciliation ID column is included in the Reconciliation S-Items dialog box for account groups. (MP1-4590)

  • Child reconciliations containing T-Items or S-Items cannot be added to or removed from an account group. (MP1-4588)

Transaction Matching


Fixed Issues

Account Reconciliations

  • When you select multiple reconciliations and click Audit, an Audit report is created and populated with the relevant data. (MP1-4044)

  • If BalCheck causes a change in the Explained balance of an item, the State History will be updated to display that Balanced Changed action and details. (MP1-2620)

  • In Scorecard, the Top Unreconciled by Entity section displays the 10 reconciliations with the most unreconciled entities in descending order. In Analysis, the Past Due by Entity section displays the 10 reconciliations with the most entities past due in descending order. (MP1-4241)

  • If you delete an S-Doc from a completed reconciliation, it will not remove the S-Doc from previous periods. (MP1-4539)

  • When you upgrade, the status of the Multi-Currency Reconciliations option in the Global Setup page will remain unchanged. (MP1-4168)

  • In the RCM_SolutionHelper, TimeDimHelper calls were replaced with BRApi.Finance.Time calls to translate detail items on a weekly basis. (MP1-4052)

  • If you select a reconciliation item with the Access Group set to (Unassigned) and the Preparer and Approver assigned and you can click either Reports or Audit, a report is created that is populated with the relevant data. (MP1-4043)

  • In Reconciliation Exposure, the amounts displayed are accurate for all currency types and currency levels: account, local, and reporting. (MP1-4536)

  • If you add an S-Doc, it will display under Reconciliation Support for the period it was added as well as future periods. (MP1-4701)

  • In the single currency S-Doc template MultiPeriodTemplate.xlsx, when you enter an amount in the Amortization Detail section in column I, it will be calculated, and the Total Amortization and Unamortized Balance amounts will be updated in column I. (MP1-4609)

  • Commenters and Viewers cannot attach R-Docs to reconciliations. (MP1-4535)

  • You can run process at the parent workflow level. It will not cause an error. (MP1-4741)

  • When you discover and run process, the Explained amount for the reconciliation includes the S-Doc item amounts. (MP1-4744)

Transaction Matching

  • Navigating to the Data Splitting page will not cause an error. (MP1-4717)

  • In .NET Globalization > OneStreamApp if Culture is set to US, it will not cause an error when you log in and access the TXM dashboard. (MP1-4410)

Known Issues

  • If you attempt to download files of any type other than .xlsx, .docx, or .pptx from the application, they may not open correctly. Contact OneStream Support for assistance in working around this issue.

    This issue will be fixed in OneStream Financial Close Release PV800 SV200. (MP1-4816)

Account Reconciliations

  • If upgrading from a previous version of OneStream Financial Close, after installing and launching the Account Reconciliations dashboard for the first time, you will likely receive the following error message: "Must specify valid information for parsing in the string." To resolve this issue, log out and back in to the solution.

  • Performing an Uninstall UI resets the Workspace Dashboard Name (Custom Workflow) in Account Rec Scenario > Workflow Settings to (Unassigned). An administrator must reassign this setting in the Workflow Profile. (MP1-700)

  • After migration, child reconciliations may not match the account group MC Enabled attribute. This can happen if the account group MC_Effective date was set after the child reconciliation's date. You can manually update the attribute if needed. (MP1-3393)

  • Upon initial implementation, make sure to select the correct period that you want to start in. For example, if you Discover in February 2022 and then change your mind and want to have data in January 2022, you cannot go back and Discover in January. You would first need to delete February as a workaround.

  • If you make any changes to currency for an individual reconciliation or account group (for example, changing from single currency to multi-currency or changing the currency type) with existing detail items, the detail items may not be valid. You will need to delete the detail items and manually re-create them. To avoid this issue, make any changes to currency before adding detail items.

  • After Process, if you delete a pulled forward R-Doc and run process again, the deleted R-Doc will be pulled forward again and display in the Reconciliation Workspace in the Detail Items grid in Reconciliation Support. (MP1-4697)

Transaction Matching

  • When attempting to install OneStream Financial Close version PV710 SV101 or later, if you receive an error on Upgrade Step 6 of the Setup Table script that prevents the solution from finishing installation, contact OneStream Support. (MP1-4568)

Contacting Support

Contact OneStream Support by registering at:

Support - OneStream Software